Schist Villages in Portugal | Map + Itinerary to visit

Schist Villages in Portugal
Schist Villages in Portugal

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The schist villages in Portugal are increasingly sought after by visitors, often being a travel destination in the country for excellent romantic getaways close to nature.

They are mostly located in Central Portugal, and during my adventures in this region of the country, it was impossible not to cross paths with them. I love how they blend in so well with the mountain landscape and how many extraordinary river beaches can be found nearby to enjoy in the summer.

Which are my favorite schist villages in Portugal? Surely those from Serra da Lousã, which are also the most touristy, have heard of Talasnal before? If you are looking for a more authentic and complete experience, however, you cannot fail to visit also the regions of river Zêzere and Serra do Açor, where others are located, for example, the extraordinary schist village of Piódão.


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Talasnal | Schist Villages in Portugal
Talasnal | Schist Villages in Portugal

What are the 12 official schist villages of Portugal in Serra da Lousã?

Casal de São Simão | Ferraria de São João | Gondramaz | Talasnal | Casal Novo | Chiqueiro | Cerdeira | Candal | Aigra Nova | Aigra Velha | Pena | Comareira

Those are just the official ones. In fact, I visited 14 schist villages of Portugal in Serra da Lousã, adding Vaqueirinho and Catarredor to this list: Catarredor become my favorite in the whole area. 😉

Aldeia de Xisto do Catarredor na Serra da Lousã - Aldeias de xisto mais bonitas do centro de Portugal
Catarredor | Schist Villages in Portugal

What are the 5 official schist villages of Portugal in Serra do Açor?

Aldeia das Dez | Benfeita | Fajão | Sobral de São Miguel | Vila Cova de Alva

Piódão is actually missing from this list of the best schist villages of Portugal in Serra do Açor. Perhaps they removed it because it is already one of the 12 official historic villages in Portugal. It must be visited, anyway. 😉

Piódão | Schist Villages in Portugal
Piódão | Schist Villages in Portugal

What are the 10 official schist villages of Portugal in Zêzere and Tejo-Ocreza?

Barroca | Janeiro de Baixo | Janeiro de Cima | Álvaro | Mosteiro | Pedrógão Pequeno | Água Formosa | Figueira | Martim Branco | Sarzedas

Zêzere River is one of the most incredible in Portugal, with beautiful meanders, allowing the practice of many activities in its waters. It rises in Serra da Estrela and has its mouth on the Tagus River. The villages mentioned are not far from its shores.

Água Formosa | Schist Villages in Portugal
Água Formosa | Schist Villages in Portugal

Itinerary to visit the most beautiful schist villages in Portugal

The itinerary I am going to propose includes the 10 most beautiful schist villages in Portugal, more precisely in the Center of Portugal, selected based on my experience and personal taste. It wasn’t easy to select just 10 schist villages because they all have something that makes them unique and special, but I believe the chosen ones are a good representation. Don’t forget that above I left the names of all of them, so you can visit all if you have the time needed.

Candal | Schist Villages in Portugal
Candal | Schist Villages in Portugal

What are the 10 most beautiful schist villages in Portugal?

  • 5 of them are from Serra da Lousã: Casal de São Simão, Catarredor, Candal, Cerdeira and Talasnal.
  • One is part of the Serra do Açor: Piódão.
  • 3 of them can be found along the course of Zêzere River: Janeiro de Cima, Álvaro and Pedrogão Pequeno.
  • The last one you will find in the municipality of Vila de Rei, next to the Geodesic Center of Mainland Portugal: Água Formosa.

Of all of them, you will probably tell me that Pedrogão Pequeno does not deserve to be on this list to the detriment of Casal Novo or Gondramaz, for example, but I really liked the region of Pedrogão Pequeno for the cliffs of Zêzere valley next to its Philippine bridge and Cabril dam. If we consider the surrounding landscape, Pedrogão Pequeno is much superior in quality.

If you have time to visit 12 schist villages in Portugal, then add Casal Novo and Gondramaz to your list, without a doubt! 😉 They are beautiful as well!

Philippine Bridge of Pedrogão Pequeno and Cabril Dam in the background
Philippine Bridge of Pedrogão Pequeno and Cabril Dam in the background

Itinerary Map | Schist Villages in Portugal

Visit the Schist Villages in Serra da Lousã

The first step in this itinerary will be to visit Serra da Lousã, but if you prefer, you can do it in another order, it’s up to you.

To get to know the 5 most beautiful schist villages of Portugal in Serra da Lousã, consider at least 2 days, as Casal de São Simão, one of the 5 selected, is a little far from the others, but still deserves a visit.

1. Schist Village of Casal de São Simão

Casal de São Simão belongs to Figueiró dos Vinhos and is a small village, so the visit will be brief and quick. What you cannot miss is its trail, the PR1 FVN – Schist Path of Casal de São Simão, which connects the village to the river beach of Fragas de São Simão. There are wooden walkways along the way.

The warm colors, the flowers and the river beach make Casal de São Simão one of the most beautiful schist villages in Portugal. During the bathing season, the river beach is always full of people, as it is no longer a secret in this region, especially after the construction of its walkways.

River Beach of Fragas de São Simão
River Beach of Fragas de São Simão
Schist Village of Casal de São Simão
Schist Village of Casal de São Simão
Schist Village of Casal de São Simão
Schist Village of Casal de São Simão
Schist Village of Casal de São Simão
Schist Village of Casal de São Simão

2. Schist Village of Talasnal

Talasnal describes itself as a place where “nature reigns”, being today the best known and most visited schist village in Serra da Lousã, and probably of all the schist villages in Portugal. It no longer has permanent inhabitants, and is now fully dedicated to tourism.

It’s not my favorite, it’s not the most authentic, and you might even consider it a bit contrived. What I like most about it is not the village in particular but the viewpoint I showed at the beginning of this article, from a road in the mountain.

Schist village of Talasnal, in Serra da Lousã
Schist village of Talasnal, in Serra da Lousã
Schist village of Talasnal, in Serra da Lousã
Schist village of Talasnal, in Serra da Lousã
Schist village of Talasnal, in Serra da Lousã
Schist village of Talasnal, in Serra da Lousã
Talasnal - Aldeia de xisto da Serra da Lousã
Schist village of Talasnal, in Serra da Lousã

3. Schist Village of Catarredor

Catarredor is less touristy, less sought after, less known, but more original. Catarredor was my big surprise in Serra da Lousã, perhaps because it was not in my initial plans, and it appeared on my itinerary by simple chance and fate.

It needs to be restored, as some places are in ruins and with vegetation invading the humble houses. It seems that time stopped there, and that it was forgotten and abandoned.

Schist Village of Catarredor
Schist Village of Catarredor
Schist Village of Catarredor
Schist Village of Catarredor
Schist Village of Catarredor
Schist Village of Catarredor

4. Schist Village of Candal

Candal is located right on National Road 236, and it seemed to me that, in addition to being one of the most beautiful schist villages in Portugal, it is also one of the most developed in Serra da Lousã. It’s located on a steep slope, at the base of which runs a stream, so you’ll have to climb to the top if you want to admire the beautiful view over the valley that extends at its feet.

The main attractions of Candal include the old primary school, the fountain, the small chapels, the water mills, the olive oil mill, the washhouse, the bridge over the stream, the square at the base of the village and, of course, the viewpoints at the top. It may be one of the most developed, but it is still an authentic schist village.

Schist Village of Candal
Schist Village of Candal
Schist Village of Candal
Schist Village of Candal
Schist Village of Candal
Schist Village of Candal
Schist Village of Candal
Schist Village of Candal

5. Schist Village of Cerdeira

Cerdeira is one of the quietest schist villages in Serra da Lousã, being much sought after by artists who see it as a paradise and a place for inspiration. It has an art gallery, art studios, and even a library.

In the schist village of Cerdeira, a trail begins that passes through Candal and also through a beautiful waterfall in the mountains, which I consider a good activity to get to know the region better. This trail is PR3 LSA – Rota da Levada, and it also makes the connection to the Castle of Lousã, almost always following a watercourse.

Schist Village of Cerdeira
Schist Village of Cerdeira in Serra da Lousã
Schist Village of Cerdeira in Serra da Lousã
Schist Village of Cerdeira in Serra da Lousã

Other excellent places to visit in Serra da Lousã

  • One of the most spectacular swings in Portugal, the first to appear in the country: Trevim Swing.
  • The Castle of Lousã, with the pleasant river beach of Senhora da Piedade.
  • The Viewpoint of the letters “ISTO É LOUSÔ (This is Lousã, in english).
  • The Viewpoint from the Frame of Lousã.
  • The river beach of Cabril do Ceira.
Trevim Swing at sunset
Trevim Swing at sunset
Castle of Lousã
Castle of Lousã
River beach of Senhora da Piedade in Serra da Lousã
River beach of Senhora da Piedade in Serra da Lousã
River beach of Senhora da Piedade in Serra da Lousã
River beach of Senhora da Piedade in Serra da Lousã
Frame "Isto é Lousã"
Frame “Isto é Lousã”
Viewpoint of the letters "Isto é Lousã"
Viewpoint of the letters “Isto é Lousã”
River beach of Cabril do Ceira - Serra da Lousã
River beach of Cabril do Ceira – Serra da Lousã

Visit Piódão and surroundings in Serra do Açor

One full day to visit Piódão and surroundings may be enough, but more time in the region will certainly be better, and you can even take a trip to Serra da Estrela, which is not that far away.

Piódão was the winner of the remote villages category for the 7 wonders of Portugal, so it is not surprising that it is considered one of the most beautiful schist villages in the country. It is located in Serra do Açor and in addition to discovering its narrow roads, you should also take the beautiful trail that connects it to Foz de Égua, allowing you to discover the famous river beach that is located there and the suspension bridge.

Also, don’t forget to:

  • To eat, try the typical Bucho or Chanfana. To drink, try the delicious Piódão liqueurs.
  • Visit the Mother Church of Piódão
  • Discover Miguel Torga’s poem in the village, and understand its meaning. Really beautiful.
  • Visit the viewpoints to the schist village of Piódão.
Schist Village of Piódão, in Serra do Açor
Schist Village of Piódão, in Serra do Açor
Mother Church of Piódão, in Serra do Açor
Mother Church of Piódão, in Serra do Açor
Schist Village of Piódão, in Serra do Açor
Schist Village of Piódão, in Serra do Açor

Visit the Schist Villages in Zêzere Valley

On Zêzere River I selected 3 excellent villages to visit, but given the proximity to Janeiro de Cima, you may choose to visit also Janeiro de Baixo or Barroca during your stay in the region, two other schist villages in Portugal.

1. Schist Village of Janeiro de Cima

Janeiro de Cima is located in Fundão, on the banks of the extraordinary river Zêzere. For this reason, it has a river beach worthy of mention: Lavandeira river beach. You shouldn’t miss a swim in its waters, or even a ride on the old wooden boats that once served to cross the river.

Janeiro de Cima distinguishes itself from all the other schist villages in Portugal by the warm orange tones of many of its houses. Be sure to visit the Interpretive Center of Casa das Tecedeiras, where you can try an old loom and learn about the flax tradition in the region.

Zêzere River is famous for its curves, or meanders, and close to Janeiro de Cima are some of the best along its course, even more fabulous when seen from the sky.

With more time in the region, I also recommend taking the Orvalho Walkways to visit the highest waterfall in the province of Beira Baixa (Fraga de Água d’Alta), and a visit to the incredible Santa Luzia Dam.

River beach of Lavandeira in Janeiro de Cima
River beach of Lavandeira in Janeiro de Cima
Schist Village of Janeiro de Cima
Schist Village of Janeiro de Cima
Schist Village of Janeiro de Cima
Schist Village of Janeiro de Cima
Schist Village of Janeiro de Cima
Schist Village of Janeiro de Cima
River Zêzere in the region of Janeiro d Cima
River Zêzere in the region of Janeiro de Cima
Sarnadela Viewpoint in the region of Janeiro de Cima
Sarnadela Viewpoint in the region of Janeiro de Cima
Orvalho Walkways and Waterfall Fraga da Água d'Alta
Orvalho Walkways and Waterfall Fraga da Água d’Alta

2. Schist Village of Álvaro

Álvaro‘s beauty is also reflected in the meanders of Zêzere river. The village itself is a fabulous viewpoint to one of them, which is why I consider it one of the most beautiful schist villages in Portugal. It also has a nice river beach with a floating platform.

Schist Village of Álvaro
Schist Village of Álvaro
Meander of Zêzere seen from Alvaro Schist Village, in Portugal
Meander of Zêzere seen from Alvaro Schist Village
Schist Village of Álvaro
Schist Village of Álvaro

3. Schist Village of Pedrogão Pequeno

From Álvaro to Pedrogão Pequeno, you can access equally excellent viewpoints along more meanders of river Zêzere. If you don’t have much time, I advise you to take the panoramic road of Pampilhosa da Serra (it has exactly this name); if you have time, in turn, opt for some trails in the region, such as the one called “Sob o Signo do Cabril“, with 60km in length, divided into 4 smaller steps:

  • From Álvaro to Frazumeira resting area.
  • From Frazumeira resting area to Sobral.
  • From Sobral to Madeirã.
  • From Madeirã to the resting area of Arrochela.

In Pedrogão Pequeno region, the main highlights are Cabril dam and its river beach on a floating platform. Do not forget the viewpoint of Senhora da Confiança, and of course, the trail PR2 STR – Schist path of Pedrogão Pequeno that will allow you to pass through the cliffs of Zêzere Valley in the area and through the Philippine Bridge of Pedrogão Pequeno.

One of the Meanders of Zêzere from the Panoramic road in Pampilhosa da Serra
One of the Meanders of Zêzere from the Panoramic road in Pampilhosa da Serra
Um dos Meandros do Zêzere - Estrada panorâmica de Pampilhosa da Serra
One of the Meanders of Zêzere from the Panoramic road in Pampilhosa da Serra
River beach of Cabril Dam
River beach of Cabril Dam
Cabril Dam
Cabril Dam
River Zêzere after Cabril Dam
River Zêzere after Cabril Dam
Pillory Square in Pedrogão Pequeno
Pillory Square in Pedrogão Pequeno

Visit Água Formosa and surroundings

It is foolish to go from Pedrogão Pequeno to Água Formosa and not take a detour to Dornes, at the very least, or if possible also to the Viewpoint of Fernandaires and Lago Azul (blue lake): all these destinations along River Zêzere. The Templar village of Dornes, in particular, is the winner riverside village as a wonder of Portugal and an excellent starting point for water activities in the river, and I’m not just talking about canoeing.

Closer to Água Formosa is the Geodesic Center of Portugal. Visit it if you decide not to go on a detour to Dornes, and consider visiting Sertã also.

In addition to visiting the schist village, you can also choose to go walk the official trail of Vila de Rei Waterfalls, only if it is not summer, as the waterfalls may dry up completely at this time of year.

Finally, don’t end this itinerary through the most beautiful schist villages in Portugal without another detour, this time to the river beach and waterfall of Penedo Furado. 😉 Nice wooden walkways there.

Dornes Peninsula on Zêzere River
Dornes Peninsula on Zêzere River
Dornes Peninsula on Zêzere River
Dornes Peninsula on Zêzere River
Geodesic Center of Portugal
Geodesic Center of Portugal
Schist Village of Água Formosa
Schist Village of Água Formosa
One of the Waterfalls of Vila de Rei
One of the Waterfalls of Vila de Rei
Penedo Furado Waterfall
Penedo Furado Waterfall

How many days to visit the most beautiful Schist Villages in Portugal?

I have already indicated the minimum time in each of the stages designed for the itinerary:

  • 2 Days to visit the Schist Villages in Serra da Lousã
  • 1 Day to visit Piódão and Serra do Açor
  • 2 Days to visit the Schist Villages in River Zêzere
  • 2 Days to visit Água Formosa and the surroundings mentioned

Therefore, a minimum of 7 days in total to visit the basics in an itinerary through the 10 most beautiful schist villages in Portugal. I would say that 10 days would be ideal to make the most of the river beaches of Lousã and on Zêzere River. Less time will be enough if you just want to visit the 10 villages without detouring to another places. You may also choose to visit only the schist villages in Serra da Lousã, and for that 2 or 3 days will be more than enough.

Schist village of Chiqueiro in Serra da Lousã
Schist village of Chiqueiro in Serra da Lousã

Accommodation tips to visit the most beautiful Schist Villages in Portugal

River Beach of Senhora da Graça in Serra da Lousã
River Beach of Senhora da Graça in Serra da Lousã

Other tips and Guided Tours to visit the Schist Villages in Portugal

It’s going to be madness trying to visit the schist villages in Portugal without a car. They are quite remote, so if you don’t already have a car, consider renting one with Discover Cars, or then opt for guided tours departing from the main cities of the country, such as this one from Coimbra: Schist Villages and Serra da Lousã.

To be protected against several types of travel hazards, I also recommend that you take out travel insurance for your stay in Portugal, and I recommend to do it with World Nomads.

Other Itineraries and Travel Guides in Portugal

I hope this article to visit the schist villages in Portugal was useful to you! Please send me your feedback in the comment section below. Have a nice trip in Central Portugal. 😉

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  1. Hello Pedro!
    Your blog is fantastic and I have enjoyed reading it. I would like to prepare a trip and visit Central Portugal in October and was wondering if you can recommend in which Village I could stay as a “central location” within the the Aldeias do Xisto region, so that I can travel by car to as many surrounding villages as possible and visit them within 6 days. I would be coming from Coimbra to the Aldeias do Xisto area. I’d like to stay at a cozy, iconic Schist house in a quiet area for few days vacation to relax, drive to the mountains, water falls and rivers and simply enjoy the area, food and nature. I would greatly appreciate your kind feedback.

    Obrigado !

    1. Hello Sergio.

      Thanks for your feedback. Always nice to read good reviews. 🙂
      If you are going to visit many schist villages, why don’t you stay in several locations, to avoid driving long distances?
      The best schist villages to stay are, in my opinion, the ones in Serra da Lousã. Talasnal, Cerdeira, Gondramaz are nice for that. Talasnal is the most touristic and central of them all, with more accommodation options.
      Piódão is also a great location, but it is a bit distant.
      In the region of Zêzere, Janeiro de Cima.


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